Rugrats is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky Gábor Csupó and Paul Germain for NickelodeonThe show focuses on a group of toddlers most prominentlyTommy Chuckie Angelica and twins Phil and Liland their day-to-day lives usually involving life experiences that become much greater adventures in the imaginations of. She was voiced by actress Kim Cattrall in the episode Mothers Day. Chuckie And Kimi Finster Rugrats Rugrats All Grown Up Stitch Disney Melinda Finster September 13 1957 - July 12 1990 was Chas Finsters first wife Marvin and Shirley Finsters daughter-in-law and Chuckie Finsters biological mother. . Kimiko Watanabe-Finster con la voz de Dionne Quan Charlet Chung desde 2021 hasta el presente es hija de Hiro Watanabe y Kira Watanabe-Finster y la hermanastra de Chuckie. Directed by Stig Bergqvist Paul Demeyer. Her mother Kira married Chas Finster the father of Chuckie. While on a family vacat...